Flashworks was happy to be a part of an intimate stagette for Jessica, who is steadily preparing for her wedding in the Fall!
Cheryl, mother of the bride to be, invited us out to her home for the celebration. Set up in their basement, Flashworks was to be delivered quietly so as to not ruin the photobooth surprise. Upon arrival, guests were greeted by pink balloons and ribbons set up against soothing green-colored walls.
Imagine the surprise when Jessica arrived to her party to see not only her family, friends and bridal shower gifts, but a photobooth as well! After the gift opening, Jessica’s fiance made a surprise appearance in a slightly risque yet hilarious outfit for the stagette party to enjoy.
For the rest of the night, guests could indulge in the snack bar and drink bar, while engaging in conversation and pictures in the Photobooth!
What a great night it was to celebrate a stagette! Flashworks hopes that all the guests had a good time and we wish Jessica the best leading up to her wedding!
To view the online gallery of photos, CLICK HERE!